If the teen years could be summed up in one word, “complex” would be a strong contender. Teens’ relationships, problems, goals and bodies become increasingly, well, complex. For 85% of the teen population, teenage acne and all that goes along with it becomes part of the struggle for teens and parents alike.
Guiding your teenager through this period of growth is hard enough without the self-esteem issues, scarring, and skin injury caused by breakouts. Filters and the right lighting smooths and perfects skin issues on Instagram and SnapChat. But there’s no magic filter to turn on when a teenager walks out the front door.
What is the real-world solution? It starts with understanding what causes acne, and ends with finding gentle solutions without damaging side effects. So read on to learn how you can help your tweens and teens tackle acne without hurting their self-esteem.
What Triggers Teenage Acne?
Overactive oil glands + skin cells = clogged pores
Clogged pores become a breeding ground for bacteria which results in pimples. Unfortunately, a lot of factors contribute to clogged pores:
The degree to which your teen suffers from acne may have started with the genes you passed down.
When testosterone levels are high, the body has to do something about it–skin to the rescue! The skin acts as a filter, getting rid of excess toxins and for your teenager, excess hormones resulting in excess oil.
A few weeks before the period hits, a woman’s body produces increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which stimulate the oil glands. Back to our original equation, this is a perfect storm for a breakout.
Emotional Stress
For teens with existing breakouts, stress can make acne worse. When the body releases the stress hormone cortisol, the skin becomes oilier, which aggravates the existing problem.
What Can Be Done about Acne?
Shop with Sensitivity
If the causes of acne seem numerous, the number of products designed to treat it seem downright dizzying. Supermarkets and drug stores carry a huge selection of acne products, but most are very heavily labeled “ACNE.” Unless your teen has specifically asked you to buy skincare products to treat acne, tread lightly. Bringing heavily labeled products home uninvited can be too abrupt of a way to enter a conversation on acne. Instead, consider teaching your teen about your cleansing routine, and suggest setting a budget where the two of you can go shopping for products together. Either online, or in the store. CLn Acne Cleanser is gentle, non-drying, and unlike many teen acne products, it won’t bleach clothes or towels. Also, it also looks like an elegant cosmetic product, which many teens appreciate.
Establish a Routine
Perhaps before the teen years, kids didn’t wash their face more than once a day. Teens’ bodies produce more oil than kids and need more cleansing. Gentle—vs—harsh cleansing is best, and frequency is key. So help establish good habits in tweens and teens by gently reminding that faces should be washed morning, night and after sweating.
Don’t Forget to Moisturize
Many teens can benefit from a good, lightweight moisturizer to soothe and prep the skin for cosmetics. CLn Facial Moisturizer absorbs quickly and does not clog pores. Any moisturizer used by teens should read “non-comedogenic” on the label.
Know When and How to Involve a Doctor
Sometimes, a little professional help is needed to deal with acne. Dr. Kristine Romine of Camelback Dermatology & Skin Surgery states, “Almost all teens get acne, which can be so distressing for both them and their parents. There are many over the counter treatments to choose from and some may not be ideal for every teen’s skin type. Please let your teen know that a Dermatologist can help find quick and painless solutions to get clear, smooth skin.”
Clean Routine = Happy Teen
With these easy-to-use tips, your teen’s bright, clean face may result in utilizing #nofilter even when they have the opportunity to use one. And one less complexity to deal with in the teen years? Win/win for parents and teens alike.
The post How to Talk to Your Teen about Acne—Without Hurting Feelings appeared first on CLn® Skin Care Blog.